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Ela estava cansada. Cansada demais de tanto quebrar a cara. Cansada demais de tanto chorar. Cansada demais de tanta indiferença. Cansada demais. Apenas cansada demais. Mas, no fundo, bem lá no fundo, ela estava orgulhosa por, ao menos, estar tentando ser feliz. Estar tentando ter alguém, estar tentando encontrar o caminho, estar tentando sorrir, estar... tentando. É difícil isso – ela pensou – Difícil e sofrido, mas tem valido a pena – continuou.

E no seu quarto, naquela noite de verão insuportável, entre as gotas de suor, as fotos jogadas na cama, os bilhetes mal escritos pelos idiotas, as declarações de amor nada sinceras lançadas na sua face de uma forma absolutamente leviana, as suas memórias, as xícaras sujas de capuccino, os seus livros e os seus discos, ela decidiu que mesmo com o passar de todos esses anos, ela ainda iria continuar tentando. Ainda que morresse por isso. É isso o que significa ser jovem – pensou com um sorriso – E é exatamente isso o que quero para a minha velhice: ser jovem e ser feliz...

Tonight is what it means to be young
(Fire Inc.)

I've got a dream 'bout an angel on the beach
And the perfect waves are starting to come
His hair is flying out in ribbons of gold
And his touch has got the power to stone
I've got a dream 'bout an angel in the forest
Enchanted by the edge of a lake
His body's flowing in the jewels of light
And the earth below him's starting to shake

But I don't see any angels in the city
I don't hear any holy choirs sing
And if I can't get an angel
I can still get a boy
And a boy'd be the next best thing
The next best thing to an angel
A boy'd be the next best thing

I've got a dream 'bout a boy in a castle
And he's dancing like a cat on the stairs
He's got the fire of a prince in his eyes
And the thunder of a drum in his ears
I've got a dream 'bout a boy on a star
Looking down upon the realm of the world
He's there all alone and dreaming of someone like me
I'm not an angel but at least I'm a girl

I've got a dream when the darkness is over
We'll be lying in the rays of the sun
But it's only a dream and tonight is for real
You'll never know what it means
But you'll know how it feels
It's gonna be over (over)
Before you know it's begun
(Before you know it's begun)

It's all we really got tonight
Stop your crying hold on (tonight)
Before you know it it's gone (tonight)
Tonight is what it means to be young
Tonight is what it means to be young

Let the rebels begin
Let the fire be started
We're dancing for the restless and the broken-hearted
Let the rebels begin
Let the fire be started
We're dancing for the desperate and the broken-hearted
Let the rebels begin...(Tonight is what it means to be young...)
Let the fire be started...(Before you know it it's gone...)
We're dancing for the restless and the broken-hearted
Let the rebels begin
Let the fire be started
We're dancing for the desperate and the broken-hearted

Say a prayer in the darkness for the magic to come
No matter what it seams
Tonight is what it means to be young
Before you know it it's gone
Tonight is what it means to be young
Before you know it it's gone

I've got a dream when the darkness is over
We'll be lying in the rays of the sun
But it's only a dream and tonight is for real
You'll never know what it means
But you'll know how it feels
It's gonna be over (over)
Before you know it's begun

It's all we really got tonight
Stop your cryin' hold on (tonight)
Before you know it it's gone (tonight)
Tonight is what it means to be young
Tonight is what it means to be young...

The things they say
And then the things they do
Nothin's gonna stop us if our dream is true...


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